Every year, millions of people experience back pain. Some people turn to prescription drugs to ease the pain, while others resort to surgery. How about a natural way to treat back pain? According to some studies, yoga may be an effective treatment for back pain, but it depends on what type of back pain you’re experiencing and how extensive your practice is.

The researchers suggest that yoga may help improve spinal flexibility and muscle strength, key factors in managing back pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different ways yoga can help alleviate back pain, as well as some of the best poses to try if you’re dealing with discomfort. Keep reading to learn more.

Yoga tips to stay flexible and strong, prairie trail physiotherapyYoga: A Great Way to Stay Flexible and Strong

Yoga is a great way to stay flexible and strong. The practice has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation while building strength and flexibility. It’s an ideal workout for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Yoga can be practiced at any age, with or without equipment, in groups, or alone. In addition, it is an excellent form of exercise for people who cannot do other forms of physical activity.

Why Yoga is Beneficial for Back Pain

Yoga helps in many ways when it comes to back pain. 

  • First, yoga helps to stretch and lengthen the muscles in the back, which can help to relieve tension and pain. 
  • Second, yoga helps strengthen the muscles in the back, which can help support the spine and reduce the risk of injury. 
  • Third, yoga promotes relaxation, which can help to reduce stress and tension in the back. 
  • Finally, yoga is a mind-body practice that can help improve overall health and well-being, which can also help relieve back pain.

How to Do Yoga Safely for Back Pain

In order to do yoga safely for back pain, it is essential to have a yoga instructor that understands how to modify poses or provide personal assistance. In many cases, this is easy because most yoga instructors know the individual poses and can adjust them as needed. You will experience less discomfort during the exercise routine and make it easier to maintain a healthy back.

Another area to pay attention to is using a proper breathing technique. The breathing technique should also be done from the diaphragm rather than the shoulders.

Finally, one should perform gentle stretches before starting any exercise routine and after finishing the routine.

Tips for Protecting your Back on the Mat

Here are some tips for practicing yoga while protecting your back.

  • Follow a yoga routine or class that includes a proper warm up and cool down.
  • Keep good posture by keeping your core engaged, building strength through your shoulders, and breathing deeply throughout the session.
  • Stay hydrated before, during, and after yoga. Dehydration can impact the positive effects of your yoga class. 

Make the Right Moves

When it comes to yoga and back pain, it’s essential to follow guided yoga poses. Listen to your body and respect any pain symptoms. Modify the pose as needed, if there is any pain. 

Some yoga poses for back pain are Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, Downward Dog Pose, and Triangle Pose. Before starting any yoga, be sure to talk to your physiotherapist and ask them which poses are best for you.