Tips for Managing Shin Splints

Tips for Managing Shin Splints

If you’re a runner, you know the pain of shin splints. Shin splints are a common injury among runners and other athletes. Shin splints occur when the muscles and tissue in the shin become inflamed. The pain is usually located along the front of the shinbone....
Benefits of Plyometric Training

Benefits of Plyometric Training

Plyometric training is an exercise that uses explosive movements to improve strength, speed, and power. Plyometric exercises are done by repeatedly jumping, hopping, or skipping from one point to another. Although plyometric training is popular among athletes and...
Tips to Help Tight Hips

Tips to Help Tight Hips

Whenever you sit for long periods, whether it’s at work or on the couch at home, you’re probably familiar with tight hips. “Hip stiffness” is a common problem and can lead to pain and other issues. Tight hips can cause back pain and make...