
Is Yoga Good for Back Pain

Is Yoga Good for Back Pain

Every year, millions of people experience back pain. Some people turn to prescription drugs to ease the pain, while others resort to surgery. How about a natural way to treat back pain? According to some studies, yoga may be an effective treatment for back pain, but...

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Desk Stretches To Ease Back Pain

If you, like many, work at a desk all day, you know how much of a toll it can take on your back. Sitting in the same position all day long can be physically painful and affect your everyday routine. Performing some easy desk stretches and adding regular movement in...

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Why Pre-Hab Is The Key To Staying Injury-Free

Why Pre-Hab Is The Key To Staying Injury-Free

Pre-hab, an abbreviation for preventative or preoperative rehabilitation, is the new fitness staple that helps facilitate recovery after surgery. Prehabilitation can refer to rehabilitation done in advance of an operation or as a general injury prevention measure. ...

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6 Great Walks Around Winnipeg

6 Great Walks Around Winnipeg

Walking, hiking and running are all great ways to keep fit and have some fun. These activities help strengthen your muscles and reduce the chance of preventable diseases and sports injuries. Winnipeg is blessed with an abundance of great walking and hiking nature...

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What Exactly Does A Physiotherapist Do Anyway?

What Exactly Does A Physiotherapist Do Anyway?

No one ever wants to live with pain. However, sometimes things happen to you that you don't expect. For example, have you ever lifted a heavy box, only to regret it later when your back started to spasm? Or maybe you were showing off your skills on your skates, and a...

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How To Start Safely Running At Home

How To Start Safely Running At Home

The pandemic has significantly altered the way we go about our daily lives, from the way we work and socialize, to the way we exercise. With access to the gym likely to remain limited or non-existent for the foreseeable future, we need to find alternative ways to stay...

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Balance: Don’t Lose It!

Balance: Don’t Lose It!

How’s your balance? Those slippery Winter-peg icy sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots can make it very challenging to stay on two feet! Our ability to balance depends on many things. Think of uneven terrain like a hiking path or a street curb, or an unsteady or...

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Physical Activity Throughout Pregnancy

Physical Activity Throughout Pregnancy

To help stay healthy during pregnancy, newly released 2019 Canadian Guidelines for Physical Activity Throughout Pregnancy recommend 150 min per week (over a minimum of 3 days/week) of moderate intensity exercise for women with uncomplicated pregnancies. Exercise...

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Pain in the elbow?

Pain in the elbow?

Have you ever had an annoying pain in your elbow when you try to lift something as light as a coffee mug? With gripping activities? Shooting a hockey puck? Or even after raking up your whole yard filled with leaves? Often elbow pain without major injury, specifically...

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